General Information - Respect in Sport Parent (Flamborough Hockey Association Inc.)

PrintGeneral Information - Respect in Sport Parent

Flamborough Hockey Association (FHA) begins the registration process for each season in late May, early June. Registrations are usually accepted until the end of September based on the program and the number of spots available at each respective level. Please watch this website for details on the start of registration and the registration rate fees that will apply.

The FHA uses the Hockey Canada online registration system that allows you to register from home or work. The online registration system is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while registrations are accepted.

The online registration process also provides an administrative advantage for the organization. The process automatically puts players into the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) database which means the Representative and House League teams can be easily rostered. This also streamlines the process of insuring players under Hockey Canada’s insurance. All players and coaches/trainers who register with the FHA fall under Hockey Canada’s insurance. For more information on the Hockey Canada insurance please go to

Only online credit card payments are accepted (Visa / MasterCard). A Hockey Canada convenience fee of $2.00 will be applied to your payment by Hockey Canada. This Convenience Fee will be charged for each on line credit card transaction made. Note: This is a Hockey Canada convenience fee and is directed to Hockey Canada.

** The Parent Respect In Sport (RIS) Program must be completed for all new Hockey Canada Registrants**

The FHA requires your support and cooperation with completing the Parent RIS online course prior to registering your child for hockey. Parent RIS has been made mandatory by the OMHA and all players, AAA, AA, A, AE, House League must have it completed by a parent before they will be approved on a team roster or allowed to participate in any team events.  If you have multiple children playing, it only needs to be completed once and will attach to all their Hockey Canada profiles.  THIS COURSE ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONCE - NOT YEARLY.  Please be sure to input their names and birthdates exactly as it is noted on their Hockey Canada profile. Do not create new profiles - if you need assistance locating your players profile please contact [email protected].  Please note that this is different than the PRS completed by coaches / on ice help and those with coaching PRS must also complete Parent RIS.  There is a one-time charge of $12.00 + HST, payable directly to Hockey Canada at the start of the program. There is an opportunity for you to provide feedback once the course is completed. Please ensure you provide the feedback asked for at the end of the online program so that the ongoing improvement of the content and usability of the system is maintained. Please note that your child is not registered until payment has been made in full and Respect In Sport requirements have been fulfilled.

Thank you for your assistance with the League’s commitment to players’ safety, enjoyment and success in the game of hockey.

For more information on the Respect in Sport Program, please visit the OMHA web site.

► Respect in Sport Parent Program Walkthrough Guide for Parents -->  RespectinSportsWalkthroughforParents(OMHA)

► Login to complete RIS