FHA offers
House League programs for every player. If you are in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 we have a House League division for you!
Please also see 2024-2025 HL Information specific to the current season as details become available.
Age Reference Chart - House League
General Information

FHA Lower House: U5 HL to U11 HL
FHA Upper House: U13 HL to U18 HL
General Information
House League programs include two ice times per week. Age divisions U9 HL and younger are typically scheduled on Saturday and Sunday.
House League programs usually begin in October, break for 2 weeks over December holidays, and finish in March.
To ensure the best opportunity for balancing teams, FHA is not able to guarantee fulfillment of friend requests.
All players are required to wear full hockey equipment for all ice times:
• CSA approved Hockey helmet & cage
• Neck guard
• Mouth guard
• Shoulder Pads
• Elbow Pads
• Shin pads
• Hockey Pants
• Protective Cup/Jill
• Garter / Velcro for hockey socks
• Hockey Gloves
• Hockey Skates
• Hockey Stick - preferably a Jr stick for younger players, cutting down a Senior stick is not recommended
• Team Jersey and hockey socks are provided
Email is a primary method FHA uses to communicate with you. The email address associated with the account used to register the player will receive the automated confirmation of registration. After that, FHA endeavors to include any additional email address(es) you indicated during registration as preferred. However, to ensure no communication is missed, please continue to monitor the email address used to sign in at registration and check your junk folder.
Other important sources of information:
• House League menu on FHA's home page: Updates specific to the current House League season will be posted there.
• League Site/League Calendar for your division: Use the Team Finder button on FHA’s homepage to access the league site for your player’s age division. The schedule is found in the division’s league calendar. Evaluation skates for your division will appear in the league calendar prior to season start.
Association-wide new posts appear in the middle of FHA's homepage.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
In addition to your coach, your division Convenor, Upper or Lower House Director, or the Registrar can assist with most questions. See Contact Us.
How will team assignments be announced?
You can expect an email indicating your player’s team assignment after evaluation skates are complete. Please be patient as this communication may come close to the first team skates.