2025-2026 Tryout Registration (Flamborough Hockey Association Inc.)

Print2025-2026 Tryout Registration


2024-2025 Spring Tryout Registration open April 2, 2025

*Please review all details below, our online registration link will be live at the bottom of the page when it opens.

Tryout Registration Fee: $100 (U8 - U16)
*U7 and U18 will be in the fall       
Evaluations for all levels of U10 - U18 are open to all players within the OHF.
Evaluations U8MD and U9MD are open to all players within the OMHA.               

2025-2026 Tryout Schedule HERE
**Important - if you have not moved please be sure to click NO when asked if your address has changed.

For questions regarding registration please contact  [email protected]

FHA Tryout Policy

  *to be posted prior to start of tryouts

Acceptance Policy

A player member is current when they have completed the registration process, including but not limited to, having executed the FHA waiver and fulfilled all their payment obligations. A player member shall not be permitted to participate in any FHA hockey program if they are not current, thereby has not completed the registration process.


Refund Policy

Tryout fees are not refundable.

The board will consider additional refund relief requests due to extraordinary circumstances. Please make requests to the Registrar. Board will make final determination.


Privacy Policy

The Flamborough Hockey Association abides by all privacy laws in Canada and does not share its membership information with any third party.


Online Registration Instructions

TO REGISTER FOR FHA TRYOUTS CLICK HERE on or after April 2nd, 2025

Payment Options and Online Payment Security

Online Credit Card Payment (MasterCard, Visa, Visa Debit and prepaid Visa Only)
Using online credit card payment is absolutely safe. Hockey Canada secures your personal information from any unauthorized use. We secure your personal information such as names and phone numbers by protecting it through the use of the industry standard 128-bit encryption using Secure Socket Layer protocol. At no time does Hockey Canada store your credit card number. *** The following will be displayed on your credit card statement: Flamborough Hockey Association

Any questions with registration contact the Registrar at [email protected]